8 Days Central Tibet and Namtso Tour ——Reception of foreign guests【拉萨+日喀则+纳木错8 日游-外宾西藏散拼接待】
线路编号:L1003840 不含大交通 [ 成都 收客]
- 出发城市:成都 出发
- 预订须知:建议提前15天
- 往返交通:汽车去汽车回
- 线路分享:
- 价格类型:
- 咨询电话 : 028-68680707
- 出发日期:
- 单房差价:
- ¥1090
Day | Place | Activities | Meals | Hotel |
01 | Arrive in Lhasa | Airport/Train station to hotel transfer at designated period of time Rest in the hotel to acclimatize the altitude | Economy Hotel twin sharing | |
02 | Lhasa | Lhasa City Tour *Potala Palace *Johkang Temple *Barkor Street | B Welcome Dinner | Economy Hotel twin sharing |
03 | Lhasa | Lhasa City Tour *Drepung Monastery * Sera Monastery | B | Economy Hotel twin sharing |
04 | Lhasa to Gyantse to Shigatse (370km) | *Yamdrotso Lake *Karola Glacier *Simila Pass and Manla Reservoir *Gyantse Kumbum & Pelkor Monastery | B | Economy Hotel twin sharing |
05 | Shigatse to Lhasa (270km) | *Tashilunpo Monastery *River View of Brahmaputra (Shigatse to Lhasa’s transfer perhaps by train) | B | Economy Hotel twin sharing |
06 | Lhasa to Namtso Lake(240km) | *Namtso Lake *DumgXiong Grassland | B | Lake Shore Guest House Dorm with humble facility |
07 | Namtso Lake to Lhasa(240km) | *Namtso Lake Shore Free walk *Yampachen hotspring(Optional) | / | Economy Hotel twin sharing |
08 | Depart from Lhasa | Hotel to Airport/Train station transfer at designated period of time End the tour | B | \ |
日程 | 目的地 | 游览活动和参观景点 | 用餐安排 | 酒店安排 |
01 | 抵达拉萨 | 将游客从机场/火车站送至酒店(乘飞机抵达在指定时间段整团免费接三次,早到游客需要等待。火车不限制)。在酒店休息适应高原拔。 | 经济型酒店 标准双人间 | |
02 | 拉萨 | 拉萨市内旅游观光 *大昭寺 *八廓街 | 早餐 欢迎晚餐 | 经济型酒店 标准双人间 |
03 | 拉萨 | 拉萨市内旅游观光 *哲蚌寺 *色拉寺 | 早餐 | 经济型酒店 标准双人间 |
04 | 拉萨-江孜-日喀则(370公里) | *羊卓雍错湖 *卡若拉冰川 *斯密拉山和满拉水库 *江孜白居寺和十万佛塔 | 早餐 | 经济型酒店 标准双人间 |
05 | 日喀则-拉萨(270公里) | *扎什伦布寺 *雅鲁藏布江河谷风光 (日喀则回拉萨,可能会安排火车) | 早餐 | 经济型酒店 标准双人间 |
06 | 拉萨-纳木错 (240公里) | *纳木错湖 *当雄草原风光 | 早餐 | 湖畔招待所多人间设施简陋无卫生间 |
07 | 纳木错-拉萨 (240公里) | *纳木错湖边自由徒步 *羊八井温泉(自愿自费) | / | 经济型酒店 标准双人间 |
08 | 离开拉萨 | 将游客从酒店到机场(乘飞机离开在指定时间段整团免费送三次,晚离开游客需要提早出发。火车离开不限制)。旅游结束 | 早餐 |
Price Inclusions
-Allnecessary travel permits for Tibet (excluding the Chinese visa)
-Tourist bus/minibus transportation with experienced local driver during tour
-Tourist bus/minibus transportation between airport statin and Hotel atdesignated period of time
-Experienced Local Tibetan private guide
- 6nights of Economy Hotel twin sharing accommodation with breakfast (B.B), 1night Lake Shore Guest House Dorm with humble facility without breakfast
- Onewelcome or welfare dinner
- Alladmission fee of tourists sites listed in the itinerary
-Oxygen bottle provided during the trip
Price Exclusions
-Chinese visa
- Lunches and Dinners
-Tips to driver and tour guide
-Single room supplement if clients request a private room in hotels
- Round-trip tickets in Lhasa( tips: if you need to buy tickets from Beijing, Shanghai, xi 'an, chongqing,Chengdu, etc.please call 028-68680707)
- 西藏旅游进藏函及西藏境内所需其他旅游许可文件,普通快递投递到指定国内收件地址
- 行程所列景点门票
- 旅行中使用旅游中巴或商务车
- 到达及离开时,机场与酒店之前的接送(需在指定时间段内整团一次性接送)
- 经验丰富的藏族英文导游
- 6晚拉萨及日喀则经济型酒店标准间住宿含早餐 (每人一床一份早餐),1晚湖畔招待所多人间设施简陋无卫生间(不含早餐)
- 欢迎或欢送晚餐1餐(藏餐)
- 全程提供应急用便携式或医疗氧气
- 中国签证费
- 从尼泊尔进藏中国签证办理服务费20美元/人(游客支付给我社当地合作旅行社)
- 晚餐和午餐,纳木错湖畔招待所早餐游客自理
- 导游和司机小费
- 单房差
-Potala Palace: Winter palace of the Dalai Lama
- JokhangTemple: Spiritual Center for Buddhists in Tibet
- SeraMonastery: One of the “great three” Gelug monasteries of Tibet, the hotattraction is monks debate.
-DrepungMonstery: Drepung used to be a seat of central government until the 5th DalaiLama built Potala Palace.
-Namtso Lake: It isthe "Heavenly Lake" which is one of the four holy lakes of Tibet andalso the highest salt-lake.
-Tashilunpomonastery: The seat of the Panchen Lama,
Day 1: Arrival in Lhasa.
After arriving in Lhasa, local tourguide will welcome you at the airpor station, then transfer the gueststo the hotel. Acclimatize the high altitude in the hotel.
Overnight in Lhasa
Day 2: Lhasa City, Potala Place and Barkhor Street (B,D).
The tourwill begin from UNESCO World Heritage site - Potala Palace, which is also thewinter palace of Dalai Lama. It's situated at 12,139 feet above sea level. It'sa 13-story high building that contains over 1,000 rooms, various statues,stupas, murals and artifacts.
Thencontinue to Jokhang Temple, another UNESCO World Heritage site. It’s aspiritual center for Buddhists in Tibet. Next to the temple there is BakhorStreet, filled with pilgrims and street vendors, selling traditional Tibetanitems such as prayer wheels and jewelry.
Day 3: Monasteries in Lhasa, Drepung and Sera (B).
In the morning, tourists are goingto visit Drepung monastery which was one of the “three greet” Gelug monasteriesof Tibet and was founded in 1416. Ganden palace is used as Dalai Lama’s palacein the Drepung before moving to the Potala palace.
Afternoon, Sera Monastery---It wasone of the “three great” Gelug monasteries of Tibet and was founded in 1419.The highlight is the Monks debate at around 3 - 5 in the afternoon.
Day 4: Lhasa - Namtso Lake (220km, 4 hours)
Drivefrom Lhasa to Lake Namtso. On the way, clients will see Nyenchen Thanglha (snowmountain ranges) and lots of nomads with yak and sheep grazing nearby. NamtsoLake is the "Heavenly Lake" which is one of the four holy lakes ofTibet and also the highest salt-lake. You can do a very relaxing trek aroundlakeside and theTashi Island. Overnight you will stay at Namtso Guestroom.
Day 5: Namtso Lake - Lhasa via Yampachen (230km, 5 hours)(B)
Afterbreakfast clients will enjoy morning at the lake shore and trek along to TashiDor Island to explore the meditation caves. Afterward, drive to Dumxung to havelunch. In the afternoon, tourists may enjoy Yangpachen hot spring (optional)and both indoor and outdoor swimming pool filled with hot spring´s water. Thenhead back to Lhasa. (Shigatse to Lhasa’s transferperhaps by train)
Day 6: Lhasa – Gyantse – Shigatse (B)
Travel to Gyantse. Onthe way, tourists will catch a glimpse of Yamdrok-tso (4400m) .The Lake issurrounded by many snow-capped mountains and in the distance you can enjoyspectacular views of Holy Mountain Nyenchen Khangsar, (7191m) - the highestmountain near Lhasa. Afterwards, head to visit the famous Pelkor Monastery(also known as Gyantse Kumbum). After one and a half hour's driving, clientswill arrive to Shigatse, which is the second largest city in Tibet.
Day 7: Shigatse – Lhasa (B)
In the morning, visitTashilunpo monastery of Gelug Sect - the seat of the Panchen Lama, built in1447. The monastery houses a giant statue of the Maitreya Buddha - the biggestgilded statue of Maitreya (Buddha of the future) in the world and a tomb of allthe Panchen Lama containing plenty of jewels and gold. In the afternoon, clientswill go back to Lhasa.
Day 8: Depart from Lhasa (B).
Transferclients to the airport station.
Lhasa Hotels:1、Economy Hotel-Lhasa Yak hotel
-Lhasa Gnagjian Hotel
2、Comfort Hotel-Lhasa Gnagjian Hotel(When the hotel room is tense, Budget hotel room may be upgraded to use comfort hotel)
Shigatse Hotels:1、Economy Hotel-Zangba Hotel
- Manasarover Hotel
2、Comfort Hotel-Tashichota Hotel
- Shigatse Hotel
Namtso Lake Hotels:tent
Tip:If you are a guest who booked an economy hotel room, the agency does not guarantee that you can use a single room.
拉萨常用酒店:1、经济型-拉萨亚宾馆(Lhasa Yak hotel)
-拉萨刚坚饭店(Lhasa Gnagjian Hotel)
2、舒适型-拉萨刚坚饭店(Lhasa Gnagjian Hotel,经济型酒店用房紧张时可能升级为使用舒适性酒店)
日喀则常用:1、经济型-藏巴酒店(Zangba Hotel)
-神湖酒店(Manasarover Hotel)
2、舒适型-扎西曲塔酒店(Tashichota Hotel)
-日喀则饭店(Shigatse Hotel)
纳木错常用: 帐篷宾馆床位
门市签约:在门市进行签约付款。 地址:@(BasicSetting.Address),下午一点后门市客人较多,建议您可上午9点-12点前来签约。
电话预订:拨打咨询电话028-68680707 85557540,由客服帮助您完成信息的确认和下单操作。
发票说明:按照国家相关规定,本产品提供"旅游费"发票,不提供其它类目发票。 如何获取发票
- 行 程:
- 100%
- 导 游:
- 100%
- 交 通:
- 100%
- 住 宿:
- 100%
山东省经典环线8日游 (青岛、崂山、蓬莱、威海、烟台、泰安、曲阜)
南疆经典环线15日游 (乌鲁木齐+天山天池+吐鲁番+库尔勒+轮台+库车+阿拉尔+喀什+塔县+和田)
西藏经典14日品质游 (成都、拉萨、日喀则、珠峰、林芝、布达拉宫)
北京+天津经典环线7日游 (天安门、故宫、八达岭长城、鸟巢、圆明园、环球影城、天坛、天后宫)